If you are interested in a school place, please contact the office.
All applications for a school place in Reception or Year 3 for September 2025 should be made through the local authority before the 15th of January 2025.
All mid year applications should be made directly to the school: Please, make sure you book a tour around the school before applying for a school place.
An application form should be completed and submitted to the school email address once you have visit the school and introduce us to your child/dren. We will contact you after submission to arrange and gather all the paperwork we will need for your child to start in the school.
Please, call the office if you require more information. 0208 500 2666.
Thank you
We are currently full in Year 1 and Year 3 for in year admissions.
Please use the link below which will directly take you to the Admissions Policy on REAch2’s website.
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.